Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Touching base with the Uranus Pluto Square   2 comments

We are two thirds done with this three year transit, we have about a year left. Have you been pacing yourself? I imagine this is what it’s like to run a marathon. Except that people run marathons because they want to, and we are in this thing whether we want it or not. A lot of people have written about this transit. My take on it is that we are letting go of what we are good at that’s not working for us and doing things that we think we suck at that are working for us. And when I say letting go, what I mean is, it’s being ripped from our cold dead hands, and when I say doing, I mean barely getting by. Very few people enjoy running marathons, even those that do, aren’t looking their best at two-thirds of the way through. For those of us, like myself, who don’t enjoy running round the block, this transit is kicking our asses. So maybe it’s time to call in a runner, you know, a guy that runs along side you keeping your pace, telling you that you can do this, and handing you water and food gel (whatever it is that keeps those people going). Yah, I think it’s time for one of those. Find those special people in your life that can support you, ask them for help, and support someone else whenever you can. We are two-thirds of the way through, we can do this, we are doing this. It’s time to rally.

Posted September 13, 2014 by badastro in Uncategorized

Astrology- to do or not to do   1 comment

So I haven’t written about astrology in over two years. I got in an argument with my husband at the time about the usefulness of studying the stars. Does it really help you or does it actually hurt you thinking that you know something about what’s going on in this thing called life. I was persuaded that it had the potential to cause more harm then good, I don’t remember why, maybe it’s just that he is tall and a Sag and so better at pontificating then I was. Regardless of why, I gave it up and now, two years later, he and I are separated. My grandmother, who learned astrology and taught it to my mother who taught me said that astrology saved her marriage. For her, astrology gave her insight into her husband, which allowed her to have compassion and not take things so personally when he was being an ass, which he often was. They were married for over 60 years, and died within months of each other both in their 90s. I suppose I could say stopping astrology has ended my marriage. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but knowing someone’s chart and transits does make it hard to not love them, regardless of what they are doing with it.

More importantly, I think it also makes it easier to love ourselves, to have more compassion and not take things personally when we fail at meeting our expectations, which, if you are anything like me, is the one thing I exceed at on a daily basis. So I’ve re-convinced myself that astrology, at least in the way I do it, does more good than harm. Love and understanding is helps more than harms our experience of this thing called life, and so, for now, I will once again pick up my ephemeris and make shit up about what havoc the planets are making for us down here to deal with.

Posted August 21, 2014 by badastro in Uncategorized

Staying Sane Book Review   1 comment

“How to Stay Sane in a Crazy World” (2014, Sophia Stuart) is a book filled with beautiful pictures. The ideas and advice given about how  to be inspired, happily productive, and how to best unwind, are aimed at the A-list female executive. Not so much at the stay at home single moms — we can’t really be planning our next vacation, or our next massage, and going to the movies once a week is more likely to happen if it’s once a year. But the message can land if you’re openminded and it’s a good one: Be kinder to yourself, whatever that means to you right now. The world is insane for everyone, whether you’re living in the penthouse or the basement, and we can all use a break.

I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for review purposes.

Posted March 31, 2014 by badastro in Uncategorized

Assertiveness for Earth Angels Book Review   1 comment

Assertiveness for Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue is like an American Girl book for spiritual people. It tells you how to stand up for yourself in common everyday scenarios that you might run into. Doreen lists the ways people can effect you negatively and spells out why and how you should deal with them. Like having a cheat sheet for jerks. It’s helpful to have the answers and even if you can’t imagine yourself doing or saying the things Doreen suggests, at least you know it’s happening to enough other people that she wrote a book about it.

I like the frame of thinking of yourself and others as previous angels and so of course being a human is hard. You have a body and limits and can’t do everything all at once right away. I like to use the concept to explain away being a perfectionist, because when I was an angel I was perfect and now that I am human, I  have to lower my standards a bit, well, actually quite drastically. When I think that way, I’m much less frustrated with life in general, and much happier which I think is a good thing, whether there really are such things as angels or not.

I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for review purposes.

Posted February 14, 2014 by badastro in Uncategorized

Two Things   2 comments

First, this blog is changing from current astrology insights to an installment novel about a vestal virgin who has an astrology business on the side. I promise that it will be badly written, have faulty research, and be lots of fun (to write anyway). 

Second, I am going to do Cheryl Richardson’s Life Makeovers coaching book to live a more authentic life and I need partners. If you want to join me, buy the book and let’s try to get started on the Early Roman New Year, which is March 1st. So far I’ve read the intro, rather cheesy and all about people who have too much material success and not enough self time which is so relatable, right? Whatever, we will make it awesome so let’s do this thing.

Posted February 27, 2012 by badastro in Uncategorized

2012 Year of the Water Dragon   1 comment

I know very little Chinese Astrology, except that the year started yesterday, so Happy New Year to you! I’ve read that this year is a good year to take risks, I like that, so let’s go with it. 2012, the year we all go for it, whatever that “it” may be.

Posted January 24, 2012 by badastro in Uncategorized

The Eclipses Are Here!   Leave a comment

You can read about them here:

All I know is that change is in the air, I am getting on an airplane, and flying to somewhere where there should be an abundance of fresh air.  We will see how it goes!

Posted June 1, 2011 by badastro in Uncategorized