Archive for the ‘Neptune’ Tag

Neptune in Pisces – Just Keep Swimming   1 comment

Neptune is back in it’s home sign, Pisces. Lots of astrologers have been writing brilliant things about this, the gist being that intuition is strong and intellectualism in history. My personal take on this combo is that it’s just too much water. It’s like trying to hang out with two best friends who have all these inside jokes and finish each others confusing sentences while you are left playing with your hair wondering how many times you can excuse yourself to go to the bathroom with out it seeming weird. All that water in one place can be overwhelming. The thing to do is to be like Nemo and just keep swimming. Don’t worry too much about trying to “know” or “plan” things, just keep putting one flipper in front of the other and eventually you will get picked up by a current. And when that happens, you can just float.

Posted February 9, 2012 by badastro in Planets

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Venus, Neptune, and Chiron Conjunction: Mastering the Art of the Escape-Deal   Leave a comment

Neptune and Chiron have been together for over a year now, so now that Venus is joining them it should only highlight how well you have mastered these combined energies. What are they? I’m so glad you asked. Neptune is all about escaping or if you like, transcending, giving you the ability to say, “this is such a great book” while you are stuck on the side of the road having run out of gas.  In true Neptune style, you will be rescued by some handsome guy/girl who happens by with an extra gas can with out you so much as lifting a finger, except to turn the page of your excellent book. In almost direct contrast, Chiron is about having a never ending festering painful wound that you, personally, have to manage on a daily basis, making you a master of googling remedies and trying them out, “why not, it can’t hurt” style. Both great tools for dealing with life’s problems. However, since these two have been together, you can neither properly escape nor can you productively get yourself into any self help program. Every time you plan an escape, it’s your turn to wash the dishes and every time you plan some program, the toilets flood or some such nonsense and you are stuck watching “How I Met Your Mother” reruns. Hence the art of the “Escape-Deal” where you learn to deal with whatever your “thing” is while at the same time running away from it. Or, apparently my preferred method, you can yo-yo between between the two, one moment being active the next totally passive, until your head spins. Whatever your choice it all feels rather uncomfortable, but Venus is here now, so try to enjoy it, take some pride in your ability to handle these guys in whatever creative way you have, for when all this is over and done, you will realize that you’ve experienced and accomplished far more than you are currently aware of.





Posted January 13, 2012 by badastro in Planets

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Grace and Effort   Leave a comment

“Through effort one opens a channel through which grace may flow.” — Stephen Arroyo

He’s talking about the way Saturn and Neptune work together. Saturn represents effort, the steps you take to reach your goal, and Neptune represent grace, what is given to you just because. It’s nice if your Saturn and Neptune work together in your chart, so that if you put out some effort, you get lucky in the same direction you were efforting. For example, you work hard to get a job interview, they hire you for a job even better than the one for which you applied. Fantastic, but what if your Saturn and Neptune are at odds? Then it seems to work a bit differently. You work hard to get a job interview, and you don’t get any job, but on your way out the door, you meet the love of your life who just happened to be visiting from Cambodia, so you move there together and start a chicken farm.

It feels like all your efforts pay off backwards, and that is exactly right. It doesn’t mean that you should stop making any efforts, because making the effort is key, it’s just that you need to be a bit more flexible, openminded, and emotionally strong to handle the grace coming at you from places least expected. I think that the true meaning of being gracious is the ability to gracefully accept this kind of grace, the kind that you didn’t want and couldn’t even imagine. 


P.S. I read somewhere on the Internets that one should put a picture with every post. While this is a great idea, so far I’ve only found pictures I like that illegal to steal or ones you have to buy that look like generic stock photos. So…I know you talented photographers have awesome pictures just sitting there on your computer wishing they could be used on my blog. Please send me some!!! I will use them. If they don’t seem astrology-ish, no big deal, I will make it work.

Posted December 13, 2011 by badastro in Planets

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Anyone Else Hate Scorpio?   4 comments

Mercury and Venus have been cruising along together in Scorpio for about a week, making communication, love, business, well…let’s face it…. life super intense and miserable. If you enjoy being deeply scrutinized for growth purposes I suppose this has been great fun for you, I, personally am so glad that the duo has moved on into Sagittarius so things can now get a bit lighter if sometimes too lofty. Also today, Moon is rolling over Neptune in Aquarius, where they are tying up last minute details on moving into the next paradigm shift. Meaning if you have big plans, you probably won’t really get to sink into them until February of next year. I know you thought it was going to happen sooner, but sorry, it’s not. You should know by now it never happens when you think it should and if you take a look around you there is still plenty to do. Thank you Lola, for making me take the time to look at the stars!!!

Posted November 3, 2011 by badastro in Planets

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